Gloria Sola Gates!
Little Gloria Sola Gates was born at 0114 on 06JUN07 at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. She was 7lbs, 12oz , 18 inches long and is a VERY beautiful and healthy baby. Her name is taken from a latin phrase meaning To God Alone Be The Glory.
Amy did very good during the birthing process, and the doctors and nurses on the floor were in awe of her experience and composure. Still, the birthing process is a grueling and painful one. We thank God that he kept both mother and baby safe and healthy through the ordeal.
Little Gloria's family came to escort her from the hospital in full battle rattle. As you can see below, she is very well protected!
Congrats Gates family! Baby Gloria is beautiful!
Aaron, Amy, and family,
how beautiful your Gloria is with a beautiful name to match! You are truly blessed. We pray God's will for her life as you raise her up in the Lord. We miss you have left a hole in our lives but we know that you are having a wonderful experience. We love you all.
Love, The Allen Family
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